IAM National 401(k) Plan
Can a company of any size join the National 401(k) Plan?
Yes. The Plan covers members from companies of any size, from one member to thousands of members.
How can I get more information about the National 401(k) Plan?
You can contact the IAM National 401(k) Fund Office directly to get more information about the plan.
Is the IAM National 401(k) Fund a part of the IAMAW Union?
The IAM National 401(k) Fund is a separate entity from the IAMAW Union. While the National 401(k) Plan can be negotiated into IAM Collective Bargaining Agreements, it was created for the benefit of IAM members who have negotiated the plan into their collective bargaining agreements.
Is participation in the plan limited to IAM members?
No. Companies with participating IAM members can include other collectively bargained and certain non-union or special-class employees in the plan.
Changes in Your Life and/or Work
What if I change my address?
Update your address and other contact information with the Fund Office and be sure to update your information with your employer too. Contact John Hancock via the internet at myplan.johnhancock.com or call 833-388-6466 between 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Time to speak with a Participant Service Representative.
What if I get married?
If you get married after your plan entry date, you may need to update your plan beneficiary information. Update your beneficiary with John Hancock via the internet at myplan.johnhancock.com or call 833-388-6466 between 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Time to speak with a Participant Service Representative.
What if I get divorced or legally separated?
If you get divorced or legally separated after your plan entry date, you may need to update your plan beneficiary information. Update your beneficiary(ies) with John Hancock via the internet at myplan.johnhancock.com or call 833-388-6466 between 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Time to speak with a Participant Service Representative.
What if I die before retirement?
If you die before you receive the value of your individual account, a preretirement death benefit will be paid to your beneficiaries in a lump sum equal to the balance in your individual account.
If you are married, your spouse is your beneficiary unless you have designated someone else. If you designate someone other than your spouse, your spouse must consent to your beneficiary designation in writing and their signature must be notarized.
You should let your spouse and/or beneficiary(ies) know that your plan has a preretirement death benefit and to contact John Hancock at 833-388-6466 between 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Time to speak with a Participant Service Representative.
IAM National 401(k) Fund Executive Director
How is the Executive Director selected?
The Executive Director is selected by the Board of Trustees based on his or her professional experience and credentials.
Who does the Executive Director work for?
The Executive Director works for the benefit of all plan participants and beneficiaries and reports directly to the Fund's joint Board of Trustees.